Student Ministries

We love our students from birth to college! Click the button below for more information on our Promiseland, BC Kids, Edge Youth, and Recharge College groups.

Men Who Believe, Believing Ladies, Believing Couples

Here is the perfect place to start if you would like to get involved at Believers Statesboro. Click the button below to find out all you need to know about our Men's, Women's and Couples Ministries!

Worship, Tech, and Drama


Here is the spot for all things worship from band to drama to special events! Click the button below to find out how to get plugged in!


Guest Services

Guest Services at Believers Church exists to extend the love of Jesus as we serve and welcome our guests. Through our Greeters, Ushers, and Welcome Center Hosts, We will achieve our goal of creating a welcoming environment to all who enter Believers Church.

Prayer Team

Covering our church in prayer, praying for the weekly prayer requests, prayer expressed through social media, and agreeing with people in prayer at Sunday services. Baptism support, leading prayer meetings, and special prayer at outreaches and events.


Provides care, support, food, and delievers meals to families that are overwhelmed by sickness or surgery, when a new baby is born, there is a death in the family, or any other major life event.


Security Team

Provides a secure and safe environment for all attending serivces and events at Believers. Training is required and held quarterly.


Servant Evangelism is sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ through practical acts of service and kindness.  Servant Evangelism is a biblical, fun, simple, and intentional way to make sharing Jesus a lifestyle.


Building and Grounds Team

Serving the church through maintenance, handiwork, repairs, building projects, landscaping, cleaning days, and other manual labor tasks.