Next Steps

Here at Believers Church, we have Next Steps that

we will be encouraging you to take this year: 

*Attend and experience Jesus

*Place your Faith in Jesus as your Savior

*Publicly delcare your salvation with Water Baptism

*Go through the Firm Foundations class which covers Bible Study, Prayer, etc.  


But we also understand that: Everyone needs to know and be known,

be needed and belong. So, we have relational Next Steps to help you

do just that. These Next Steps happen weekly and run the same

time frame as our Life Group Quarters.

1. Next Step: Newcomers Social (1st Sundays, after each service)

Meet our Pastors, Leaders, and hear God's vision for Believers Church. On the day of a Newcomers Social, we will dismiss the service 15 minutes early to have refreshments, meet other Newcomers, and learn some basic information about Believers Church. These take place in the Sanctuary. 



2. Next Step: Life Groups (2nd Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 PM)

Learn the why's and how's of our small groups at Believers Church. Life Groups run on a quarterly schedule with breaks in between, lasting one to two weeks. You will receive a Life Group schedule break down at this Next Step class. 



3. Next Step: Membership (3rd Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 PM)

Everything you need to know about Membership at Believers Church. Membership candidates will turn in their application and join Believers Church approximately three weeks after the class. 



4. Next Step: Ministry Teams (4th Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 PM)

Discover the joys of serving on a Believers Ministry Team! You click below to go to a list of those teams, but this Next Step class will tell you everything you need to know about them. Take your Spiritual Gifts test to get ready for this class!


Take Your Spiritual Gifts Test Today!

Click the button below to take your quick, easy test today.

This gifts is designed to be taken quickly during a single sitting and typically

takes about 5 minutes to complete. We encourage you to be open and honest.

Your results are crucial to have for the Next Step: Ministry Teams class.

For more information and to sign up for any of

these Next Steps, fill out the form below.


This is the most important step

in your journey to a meaningful

relationship with Christ.

When we recognize our sinful state and our need of a savior to be reconciled to God, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins. All you have to do is ask

with a sincere heart!






Baptism is the outward expression of the inner change. It is one of the very first things you will do in obedience to Christ. Baptisms are held monthly, though you may request baptism at any time. You will find info on our next Baptism on our Events page.


Our Firm Foundations Class is the perfect tool to help you get started on your journey to authentic Christianity. Click the button below to get started or join our Firm Foundations Life Group on Mondays at 6:30 PM.


Amy De La Cruz

Beilevers Church of Statesboro Administrator